This has taken some interesting turns since I last checked in.
I know there are some that feel folks in my position are cowards for not speaking what we believe the truth to be. Maybe your right. For me personally, being a JW is the only thing I know. To wake up suddenly one day and completly change your belief system is quite difficult. I am angry with the WTS for associating with the UN, for putting out false prophesy, for the all the people that were hurt for the blood policy, etc. I'm disappointed about the lack of love, about the Pharisee mentality. But, the thought that it is somehow still God's organization has been pounded into my head for so long, its tough to shake. Mentally, I can see it but emotionally it still tugs at me.
The last thing I think I can do is go off half cocked. I strongly disagree with the disfellowshiping policy but understand if I were to take the suggestion of using one of my meeting parts as a tirade, that's where I would be. Cut off from family and friends. I understand that still is likely to occur but I need time to formulate a plan and prepare myself to deal with the consequences. Is that selfish? Yes to a degree. But what about my wife? Don't I owe her something? How would my giving a farewell speech help her?
Also, the fact is that NO ONE will listen to me if I do that. I will be dismissed as being mentally distrubed. They will shut me down as soon as I talk. I just don't see how that action would be very loving to anyone. Auld Soul mentioned how he got out 7 people. Do you think it was by being confrontational? I think that has its place but more in line with preventing people from being JWs not convincing JWs to leave.
Right now, I can gently point people in the right direction. I just have to be very careful. I am sure that I will not remain an elder for much longer but I'm very cautious by nature. Remember, I'm the one who has to live with the decision. Arthur made a good point when he said that we have to take care of our family first and foremost. My entire life has already changed. I'm beyond the point of no return and have no confidence in my future.
I understand the anger. And I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for me. Being a JW elder is not up the food chain very far from Joe Publisher. It seems Bethel holds us all in derision.
Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome and I appreciate all the PMs. Because of the kindness shown to me, I am convinced that the WTS is way out of bounds when it comes to the way those who leave are treated. I think you've shown more Christ-like love and compassion to me than I've experienced elsewhere. I hope one day that I can repay that kindness.